• A transparent platform for tutors with ratings to help parents and students make a more informed decision when choosing tuition.
  • “Test drive” a tutor by first taking a quiz designed by the tutor:
    • Compare your results, review the quiz and look at the tutor’s worked solution
    • Chat with the tutor and rate him or her
    • Sign up for one-on-one tuition off-line
  • We are a dip-stick diagnostic tool to complement the tutor’s work and aid revision

QEDed Homework Answers and Tutors in both Android

and IOS appstores!

About QEDed

QEDed is the linkedin for the best tutors with content from Singapore. From Primary (6-12yrs) to Tertiary level, Singaporean kids have some of the best scores for Math and Science, as well as GCE and International Baccalaureate (IB).

Our tutors are practising professionals and have current teaching qualifications. Try their quizzes and see their worked solutions. You will notice the difference.

Get timely feedback about your state of exam readiness by checking your quiz scores against everyone else in the common database. Review the worked solutions of the quiz questions and chat with the tutor to improve your understanding.

Join us

Write anne@qeded.com. We will require proof of certification. Being verified is not the same as being a tutor. Once verified, you can post questions with answers and use QEDed as a repository for your past year questions. Only tutors can create quizzes.

How it Works?

Available on App Store & Google Play


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