- A transparent platform for tutors with ratings to help parents and students make a more informed decision when choosing tuition.
- “Test drive” a tutor by first taking a quiz designed by the tutor:
- Compare your results, review the quiz and look at the tutor’s worked solution
- Chat with the tutor and rate him or her
- Sign up for one-on-one tuition off-line
- We are a dip-stick diagnostic tool to complement the tutor’s work and aid revision
QEDed Homework Answers and Tutors in both Android
and IOS appstores!
About QEDed
QEDed is the linkedin for the best tutors with content from Singapore. From Primary (6-12yrs) to Tertiary level, Singaporean kids have some of the best scores for Math and Science, as well as GCE and International Baccalaureate (IB).
Our tutors are practising professionals and have current teaching qualifications. Try their quizzes and see their worked solutions. You will notice the difference.
Get timely feedback about your state of exam readiness by checking your quiz scores against everyone else in the common database. Review the worked solutions of the quiz questions and chat with the tutor to improve your understanding.
Join us
Write anne@qeded.com. We will require proof of certification. Being verified is not the same as being a tutor. Once verified, you can post questions with answers and use QEDed as a repository for your past year questions. Only tutors can create quizzes.
How it Works?

Take A Quiz
- Take a quiz, compare your score and time. Sometimes 60% is good if everybody else is only 50%. Also check your timings, a few minutes in an exam can mean a big difference in your results.
- Chat with the tutor to see how you can improve your score. They have tools to give you good advise on how to improve

Key words in the search bar hide important questions . Recent popular key words include “PSLE Prep”, “IB Prep”,“GCE Olevels”, or names of famous schools and their professors

When you view an answer, you get to rate the user . High ratings get users noticed faster . Like the user and chat with them, we will
learn more faster from communicating

Chat with verified users for clarification on their posts . Verification is a simple process,just upload 2 photo IDs of yourself . In Ask, users are sorted by their ratings and whether they are online/off line

Post and share
Share your questions and answers from your favourite exams, schools, professors.In the “Question Description” of post, use a collection keywords such as “IB Prep” , “Republicc Polytechnic”,“Stanford” or Professor names and Course titles. Wouldn’t it be interesting to see whether students are asked the same questions, or give the same answers to ECON101, Calculus 331?

Credits are free for now .
Use them to view answers and rate users so everyone gets feedback on
their tutoring and ability to spot good questions for exam prep

When in doubt come here. Get verified, review quizzes taken, chat with users and tutors . Edit your profile and avatar .View and trim the questions you have posted .
Available on App Store & Google Play
for any questions or advertising opportunities